How to Add a Glitter Effect in Photoshop 1. Steps with Pictures1. Create a new document. Adjust the settings of your document to a width and height of 1. Pick any gray color from your color swatches and add a new layer on your layers panel. Fill the new layer with the gray color you have chosen. In this tutorial well use Photoshop Elements to create an effect similar to Andy Warhols iconic pictures of Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor et al. A great tutorial for creating a glittery text effect in Adobe Photoshop. The technique can be applied quickly and easily on all sorts of imagesBefore filling the layer, first click the letter X on your keyboard to switch your gray color from foreground to background. To fill the layer, use the shortcut Ctrl Backspace. You can also rename the layer if you wish or leave as it is. Move on to filtering the layer for the glitter effect. Switch your gray color from background to foreground color by clicking the letter X again. Then go to Filter Texture Grain for the first filter. Set the intensity of the filter to 6. Apply the second filter by going to Filter Pixelate Crystallize. Put the settings of the filter at 3 to 5 percent, depending on how fine you want your glitter effect to be. After applying the filters, copy the layer and change the mode of the layer to multiply. Rotate the copied layer by using the shortcut Ctrl T and rotating the layer to 1. Apply the previous step again. You should now have three layers the original layer and two copied layers with a multiply mode. Merge the three layers, merge by selecting the three layers and by typing in Ctrl E. You can now add your newly made glitter effect on your pattern library. To add the glitter effect, go to Edit Define Pattern and then name the pattern Glitter or something similar. After adding the glitter effect on your pattern library, add in text. Go to your type tool and pick any font. To apply the effect, right click on your type layer on your layers panel. Click on blending options and a dialog box will appear. Click on the dialog box and the pattern overlay, then select the glitter effect that you made. To color the effect add a color overlay and choose any color you wish. Change the mode of the color overlay to color burn and youre done. 3D Model Sniper Rifle Download Skype. How to Make a Movie Poster in Photoshop. Steps. Words, yo. For a movie poster, youre going to at least name your movie. Actors are not necessary, but make the movie poster look more official. You can use any of the default Photoshop fonts, but those are a little bland. If you go to Dafonts. Photoshop, and spice up your movie title a little bit. First, pick a font you like, then click the download button. Next, open the folder and drag the font onto your desktop. Then right click the font, and press install. Now you can use that font in Photoshop. The effects on your movie title should go all out. Inner shadows, inner glows, outer glows, and even a black border if you want. Select the fx below the layers once again, and select the ones you want. Play around with them to see what you like. Proceed to do this with whatever other words you put on your poster.
Adobe Photoshop Tutorial Fire Effect Photoshop© 2017