Alexa Rank 3. Extra. Torrent is the worlds largest Bittorrent system with a total of 2. Can we use Proxy SitesServers for Illegal work No Simply a BIG No. You can not use these proxy sites or free proxy sites for any kind of illegal purposes. Extratorrent provides various rich resources including movies, TV, music, anime, games, and even adult contents. This is one of the most popular top torrent sites 2. US unique users. Users can download latest movie torrents free and fast with utorrent, no registration required. Daily visitors 2,9. Estimated Monthly Visitors 5,0. Alexa Rank 9. 3. The Pirate Bay used to hold the top spot of the top torrent download sites for a long time before Kickass Torrents knocked off its throne. Among the top 1. 0 torrent sites of 2. Pirate Bay is the most popular torrents sites for Bit. Torrent users. More than 5,9. According to the statistics, about 3. TV and movies which make 4. YTSDaily visitors 8. Estimated Monthly Visitors 3,0. Alexa Rank 1. 54. YTS, also known as YIFY, is another popular pirate bands which will release several top 2. As the site claims, it help users to free download movie torrents in 7. D quality, all at the smallest file size. Currently, more than 5. With millions of unique visitors every day, YTS has a well deserved place within the top 1. Iso. Hunt. to Daily visitors 8. Estimated Monthly Visitors 2,6. Alexa Rank 2. 08. Another spot holder of the best torrent websites 2. Iso. Hunt. to, the replacement of the old Iso. Hunt. com. It has the same interface, categories and torrent pages and even the same users with its predecessor. The old Iso. Hunt was one of the most popular Bit. Torrent search engines with thousands of torrents being added everyday. The new Iso. Hunt. HollywoodHindi, DVD files and HD videos. Rar. BGDaily visitors 4. Estimated Monthly Visitors 1,7. Alexa Rank 1. 80. Started as a Bulgarian tracker, Rar. BG is a bilingual BulgarianEnglish site, with most of the content and descriptions in English. It is among the top torrent sites 2. English speaking countries like US, India and UK. Currently the site has in total 7. Bitsnoop. Daily visitors 1. Estimated Monthly Visitors 2,7. Alexa Rank 2,3. 90. Bitsnoop is well deserved one of the top 1. With 2. 4,0. 36,5. The TV Finder featured on the site shows alphabetically with links to all torrents for each show. Torrent. Hound. Daily visitors 3. Estimated Monthly Visitors 1,5. Alexa Rank 3,3. 34. Torrent. Hound is another big player in 1. Around 1. 20. 0 new torrents are sniffed out and 1. Among the best free HD movie sites for users to free download movies torrents in 7. P1. 08. 0P3. D in HindiTamilEnglish. Fast and free access to movies, music and games on Torrent. Hound. 1. 0. Demonoid Daily visitors 1. Estimated Monthly Visitors 1,3. Alexa Rank 3,6. 52. Demonoid used to be a famous and poplar torrent client site among users with its unique feature to identify the fake torrents. The service comes back as private membership community with a new domain name Demonoid. Demonoid was a safe and reliable place to download movies, and so will the new service be. Alert as torrent sites are making it easier to access the latest movies music, the sites to download torrents often involve copyrighted materials without permissions or ownership. Therefore, torrent downloading is banned in many countries. It is reported that people who download the pirated music, video or e. Books using a Bit. Torrent client may have their IP address logged by copyright enforcement authorities within three hours of doing so. So use them with care. Or turn to movie downloader software or DVD ripper to backup DVDs to hard drive and watching them on computer, mobile devices on the go instead of downloading these movies from torrent sites. 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