Sx. S folder on Windows 7 And heres the size of the Win. Sx. S folder on Windows 8 Thats a lot of space, especially for fresh installs of both operating systems Once you install more Windows updates or any service pack, itll shoot up a few more GBs. Unfortunately, this is a super core set of files for Windows, so you never want to try to delete anything yourself. You can, however, save a little space. The first thing you can do is reduce the size of the backup folder by running the following command Start, type CMD dism online cleanup image spsuperseded hidesp. If any service pack backup files were found, it will automatically clean them up. In my case, I didnt install SP1, so there was nothing to remove and hence I didnt save any space. You can do that on Windows 7 with SP1 and on Windows Vista SP1, you can do the same thing using a different tool. Basically, it removes all the older files, but makes the service pack unremovable. The file is called VSP1. CLN. EXE for Windows Vista SP1 and its called COMPCLN. EXE for Windows Vista SP2. You can run these by clicking on Start and then typing in Run. When the Run dialog appears, just type in the commands. There is also another way to remove the backup files for SP1 in Windows 7 and make it permanent. Simply open up the Disk Cleanup utility, click on Clean Up System Files and then check the Service Pack Backup Files box. So again to reiterate, in Vista you have to use VSP1. CLN and COMPCLN and for Windows 7 you use the DISM command. Using any of these will make the service pack permanent. Other people have mentioned compressing the backup folder inside the Win. Sx. S folder, but thats probably not a good idea. Doing anything else will reduce the reliability of your system. In Windows 8, there are some nice new features added to the DISM command. You can now remove packages that you no longer want need or want. This is the command DISM. Online Disable Feature Featurename lt name Remove. So how do you know what features you can disable Well, you can run the following command to see all the available features DISM. Online English Get Features Format Table. Now that you have the list, you can disable a feature like Simple. TCP shown below DISM. Online Disable Feature Featurename Simple. TCP Remove. Pretty neat ehSo that can save you a lot of space in Windows 8 if you plan on not using a lot of advanced features that are built in by default. What can I safely delete from the C WINDOWS folder Ive been playing with the Win. SXS folder in a few test installs and I have figured out a way to save some space. In a 3 month old Windows 7 Pro install on my laptop, the Sx. S folder grew to 1. GB. I can safely delete 7. GB of that without any issues. I was a bit surprised to read that most technical write ups say you cant delete anything in the Sx. S folder without issues. This is just not true and I wonder if anyone has tried different scenarios or if that opinion is just grown off of Microsofts warnings. There is one thing that you cant do after cleaning the Sx. S folder, but its rare that youd need to so I wont even waste the keystrokes. Ive had this running smoothly for a LONG time, and on the laptop I use for work as an IT Director, so I put it through its paces thats for sure. What Is The Best Free Movie Download Site 2012 Election. Its well worth the disk space in some cases. For example I love my laptop which is an older Dell and Ive got an SSD drive in it. The SSD is only 6. As is, I use a 3. GB SDCard in the onboard reader to give me extra space, but knocking a chunk of useless crap off is a nice option when you dont need 7. Ill do a write up on it and post it here in the next couple of days.
Can I Delete Folder Winsxs In Windows 7© 2017