There are many ways to get rid of dead skin on the feet yet natural ways can be safe and costeffective. Home Remedies to Remove Dead Skin on Feet. Neem Oil has been used in natural skin care for thousands of years. It is highly treasured in India and Southeast Asia for its medicinal value and has been used. If the discoloration continues to grow forward you are probably ok, if it stays in one place over the next month or so, see a doctor and let he or she determine whether or not the nail bed the skin under the nail should be examined. Marc Mitnick DPM. Scary Japanese Urban Legends. BY DEADDOLL0. 0 ERIKA GRIFFIN Nowhere does folklore take a more pants crapping creepy turn than Japan. We now present 8 of Japans scariest, creepiest, just plain odd as hell urban legends. Just The Facts. Japan is a creepy, creepy place. You WILL be punished for your bodily functions. The Snake Woman Nure OnnaDo you enjoy a nice, cool swim on a hot day Perhaps you are particularly averse to receiving a cooling dose of urine at the local swimming pool Maybe you just like the sand beneath your toes as you walk the beaches, choosing a nice, quiet, isolated spot from the rest of the city plebs. You put down your towel, throw off the constricting second skin that is your clothing, and head toward the waves. But hark You spot a woman in the water long black hair flowing around her alabaster skin as she flails weakly. With speed and grace to rival the very best studs of the Baywatch era, you fling yourself into the oddly calm waters and swim her way. You swim toward the endangered beauty, your eyes meeting as you work desperately to save your drowning Ophelia. Also, Ariel now appears to be using her long, prehensile snake body to gracefully close the romantic distance between you. Perhaps, you consider, she simply wishes to save you from this terminal case of leg crampsPerhaps the piercing of your tender man flesh by her snake like tongue is some odd form of mermaid CPR No, you are now being slowly digested by the Snake Woman, or, Nure Onna. The moral of the story should be fairly obvious Dont try to save a drowning woman. She could be a snake monster in disguise Human Pillars HitobashiraIf Soylent Green taught us anything, its that there are a great many practical uses for the human body. Japan reminds us just how practical they can be by presenting the Hitobashira, or, Human Pillars. Seeing as the country is already one at the technological forefront, we have to assume that if Japan tells us, hey, its okay to seal living people inside walls and foundations, itll make that shit more durable, it has to be true Right Right Because fuck cement Dating as far back as the 1. LEGO gods and ensure stability and longevity to the construct in question. Bones and other remains have been found on site of several different locations, lending at least some possibility that human sacrifice may have been involved in the making of these buildings. One such location is Jomon tunnel, located on the Sekihoku Main Line. In 1. 96. 8, in the aftermath of an earthquake or possibly due to pissed off ghosts a number of skeletons were discovered sealed into the walls of the tunnel, standing upright. But then, maybe Japan just gets really uptight if you abuse your smoke breaks one time too many. Seeing as many of these structures stand today, perhaps modern workers should take note Just how dedicated are you to your job Hanako San of the Toilet Because Japan just loves to punish you for basic bodily functions, this urban legend takes place in a washroom specifically the third stall from the end of any elementary school washroom in some variations, its on the third floor. Unlike the previous urban legends, where the creatures will come at you unprovoked, Hanako needs to be summoned. Though the idea of luring a ghostly little girl into an empty bathroom falls further from scary urban legend and closer to that paedophile on the news last week than wed like. In order to call Hanako, you need to do the polite thing and knock three times on her stall door. This is usually accompanied by calling out, Are you there, Hanako sanIf you are greeted with a reply, Yes, Im here, apart from pissing your pants in terror, you can push open the stall door to reveal Hanako. Said to be a little girl with bobbed black hair and a red skirt, the outcome of your courage or dumbfounding retardation differs Hanako san will vanish or, for the more shit out of luck in every sense of the word, you will be pulled into the toilet and killed. If you knock on her stall and receive a reply and assuming you dont immediately break the laws of physics during your escape, you still have the opportunity to walk away if you do not open the door. If, however, you insist on cornering little girls in toilet stalls, you may have just enough time after seeing Hanako to make a break for the exit and escape. Cow HeadEveryone loves a good scary story that false sense of fear that fills you with adrenaline if you happen to be short of cocaine that particular day. Of course, once the story is over and youve succeeded in giving your younger sibling bed wetting night terrors, everything should go back to normal. Unless it doesnt because youve apparently died of fucking fright. The story of Cow Head is apparently so terrifying, so horrific, so psychologically soul wrecking, that the exact details of the tale have long since been lost. To hear it would leave you a violently trembling mess for days until you eventually died of fright much like the effects of Stephanie Meyers writing on most of the general public. However, due to what Cracked assumes must be its Ringu like superpowers, no full variation is known today, though mention of it can be found in various written accounts dating back to the 1. How To Crack Software Using Ollydbg Pdf. We must assume it is hard to recount a story to anyone if youre. As the story itself remains largely unknown, there is little threat that you will hear Cow Head being passed around your cub scout campfire any time soon. Giant Skeleton GashadokuroSource www. If you are visiting Japan and find yourself staying out a bit too late into the night, you might re consider taking that short route through the quiet streets in favour of booking a nearby motel. Not for fear of anything practical like street crime or the aforementioned perverts. Youre likely to hear this oversized Halloween decoration before you spot it, as it announces itself by the sound it makes with its gnashing teeth and an odd ringing sensation in your ears caused by what we presume to be your sonic like shriek at the sight of a skeleton the size of a building hovering over you. Moving with the quiet grace of a towering ballerina, the Gashadokuro will catch you unawares and deftly pluck you from where you stand. Cleanly removing your head like a Ken doll, it will sate its otherworldly thirst and anger by swigging your lifeblood like a delicious smoothy. Seeing as the Gashadokuro is made from the skeletal remains of starvation victims, buying the thing a cheeseburger might not be a bad idea. Red CloakRed Mantle Aka MantoLets assume for a moment that you, like many, enjoy the basic human function of going to the bathroom. Perhaps youve had a few too many servings of sake and make a mad dash for the ladies toilets closest to you. This article assumes you are either a lady yourself or one of those beloved perverts so popular to the Japanese culture. As you enter the bathroom and try to avoid physical contact between your ass and the scurvy infested toilet sear, you suddenly hear a voice. Do you like the red cloak or do you like the blue cloakAfter sitting uncomfortably for a few seconds, wondering what possessed someone to break the cardinal rule of keeping their mouths shut during toilet time, you answer with hesitation The Red CloakAccording to your answer, there are a variety of hilarious outcomes If you answered Red Cloak, you will be sliced apart like a steakhouse special. According to who is telling the story, your throat may be cut, your hands chopped off, or you will simply be cut into pieces until the blood flowing down your fricasseed remains resembles a red cloak. Well Shit You may be thinking, Ill just answer blue cloak then Good idea, captain. Now take a deep breath Youre going to need it when the life is being slowly strangled out of you. The result leaves your humorously tongue lolled face a strong blue. Thus, the blue cloak.
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