How to Install and Configure Apache Tomcat 8. Ubuntu 1. 6. 0. 4Apache Tomcat is an open source Java Servlet implementation developed by the Apache Software Foundation. In addition to the implementation of Java Servlets, Tomcat supports other Java server technologies too, including Java. Server Pages JSP, Java Expression Language, and Java Web. Socket. Tomcat provides an HTTP Web Server for Java applications that supports HTTP2, Open. SSL for JSSE and the TLS virtual hosting. In this tutorial, I will show you how to install and configure Apache Tomcat 8. Ubuntu 1. 6. 0. 4 LTS Yakkety Yak and how to install and configure the prerequisite Java 8 on the Ubuntu server. Prerequisite. Ubuntu 1. GB or more memory RecommendedRoot Privileges. Step 1 Install Java JRE and JDKIn this step, we will install Java JRE and JDK from an Ubuntu PPA repository. How Install Web Gui On Ubuntu Server Tutorial' title='How Install Web Gui On Ubuntu Server Tutorial' />To do that, we have to install a new packe python software properties first for managing the repository. Install python software properties sudo apt get install python software properties y. When the package is installed, add the new PPA java repository and run apt get update. Next, install Java JRE and JDK from the PPA repository with apt sudo apt get install oracle java. It will take some time, wait until the installation is done. Check the java version with command below java version. You can see the desired results below java version 1. JavaTM SE Runtime Environment build 1. Java Hot. SpotTM 6. Bit Server VM build 2. How to install GUI gnome on redhat linux 7 server. Featured Linux Tutorials. House Hunters International Italy Ruins Update there. Bash scripting Tutorial Howto mount USB drive in Linux. How To Install Tomcat 7. Server on CentOSRHEL 765. This tutorial will guide you to install Tomcat Server on CentOSRHEL. Oracle Java 8 is now stable. Below youll find instructions on how to install it in Ubuntu or Debian via a PPA repository. The PPA supports both 32bit and 64bit as. Step 2 Configure Java Home Environment. In the first step, weve installed Java. Now we need to configure the JAVAHOME environment variable on the Ubuntu server so that Java applications can find the Java installation directory. Tomcat needs a JAVAHOME environment to be setup properly. Before we configure the JAVAHOME environment, we need to know where the Java directory is. Check the location of the Java directory with the command below sudo update alternatives config java. Java directory usrlibjvmjava 8 oraclejreThen edit the environment file with vim vim etcenvironment. Add JAVAHOME environment by adding the configuration line below JAVAHOMEusrlibjvmjava 8 oraclejreSave the file and exit the editor. Next, edit the. bashrc file and add lines to export the JAVAHOME environment variables vim. At the end of the file, paste the configuration below export JAVAHOMEusrlibjvmjava 8 oraclejreexport PATHJAVAHOMEbin PATHSave and exit, then reload the. Make sure there is no error, and check the JAVAHOME environment echo JAVAHOMEYou will see java directory path. Step 3 Install Apache Tomcat 8. In this step, we will install Apache Tomcat under the user tomcat. Create a user and group named tomcat groupadd tomcatuseradd s binfalse g tomcat d opttomcat tomcat. Note s binfalse disable shell access. Next, go to the opt directory and download tomcat with the wget command cd optwget http mirror. Extract the Tomcat archive and rename the directory to tomcat. Change the owner of the tomcat directory to the tomcat user, and make all files in the bin directory executable. R tomcat tomcat tomcatchmod x opttomcatbinNext, we need to define the CATALINAHOME directory, so we can run a test with Apache Tomcat. Catalina is the Tomcat servlet container. Edit the. bashrc file with vim vim. Paste the configuration line below at the end of the line export CATALINAHOMEopttomcat. Save and exit, and then reload the. Check the CATALINAHOME environment. CATALINAHOMEStep 4 Test Apache Tomcat. In step 3, we configured the basic Tomcat setup, in this step, we will do some testing and make sure that there is no error in our configuration. Run the command below to test the Apache Tomcat CATALINAHOMEbinstartup. Make sure the results is Tomcat started to verify that Tomcat is successfully installed. Tomcat is using port 8. Or you can visit the server IP address with port 8. You will see the Apache Tomcat default page. Next, stop Apache Tomcat because we will run Tomcat with a service file now. Ensure the tomcat directory is under tomcat user. CATALINAHOMEbinshutdown. R tomcat tomcat opttomcatStep 5 Setup an Apache Tomcat Service. In this tutorial, we want run Apache Tomcat as tomcat user with a systemd service file so it can be started and stopped easily. Now we need to create the tomcat. Go to the systemd system directory and create a new file tomcat. Paste configuration below UnitDescriptionApache Tomcat 8 Servlet Container. Aftersyslog. target network. ServiceUsertomcat. Grouptomcat. Typeforking. EnvironmentCATALINAPIDopttomcattomcat. EnvironmentCATALINAHOMEopttomcat. EnvironmentCATALINABASEopttomcat. Exec. Startopttomcatbinstartup. Exec. Stopopttomcatbinshutdown. Restarton failureInstallWanted. Bymulti user. target. Save the file and exit the editor. Reload the systemd daemon, then start the Tomcat service and add the Apache Tomcat service to start at boot time. Check that tomcat is running by checking the open port. And check the tomcat status, make sure the service is active. Step 6 Configure Apache Tomcat Users. In this step, we will configure the users for Apache Tomcat. Tomcat is installed, and its running by default on port 8. This is the purpose of this step, to enable and configure Tomcat users, edit the file tomcat users. Go to the tomcat configuration directory and edit the tomcat users. Create a new line under line 4. Save and exit. Next, go to the manager directory and edit the context. META INFvim context. Comment line 1. 9 and 2. Context anti. Resource. Lockingfalse privilegedtrue lt lt Valve class. Nameorg. apache. Remote. Addr. Valveallow1. Context Save and exit. And go to the host manager directory and edit the context file again. META INFvim context. Comment out line 1. Context anti. Resource. Lockingfalse privilegedtrue lt lt Valve class. Nameorg. apache. Remote. Addr. Valveallow1. Context Save and exit, then restart tomcat. Step 7 Testing Tomcat. Open your web browser and type in your server IP with port 8. You will see the Apache Tomcat home directory. Go to the manager dashboard with the URL below http 1. Type the admin username admin with password mypassword, the configuration from step 5. Now go to the host manager dashboard with URL below http 1. Enter the admin user and password from step 5, you will see the Tomcat Virtual host Manager. Apache Tomcat 8. 5 has been installed and tested on Ubuntu 1. Linksview as pdf print.