Apples iPhone event is coming up fast, and were expecting Tim Cook and company to announce far more than just some new handsets. Heres a quick primer. Inside Social. The biggest and latest apps and platforms, plus trends and insights on the biggest online discussions. Latest trending topics being covered on ZDNet including Reviews, Tech Industry, Security, Hardware, Apple, and Windows. Heres a quick primer. The event kicks off at 1. PM ET1. 0AM PT on Tuesday September 1. Steve Jobs Theater. You can watch it live on Apples website, and as always, well be liveblogging like maniacs starting about an hour or so before the event. Update 91. AM After a massive leak over the weekend, a lot more info has come out about the new i. FOR MOST PEOPLE Buy the 256GB space grey 4. Phone 8 on Verizon. Why the little one Its the best size. Okay, for most people, its the best size. Best PDA games, Pocket PC games, Windows Mobile games, SmartPhone games by 4Pockets. When youre traveling through unfamiliar territory, sometimes turnbyturn navigation just isnt enough. A new design update on Google Maps is here to help you out. Phones and the Apple Watch, so weve updated our story with the latest details. Phone Three new devices on the way. As 2. 01. 7 marks the 1. Anniversary of the i. Phone, the hype and anticipation for Apples upcoming phones have reached heights we havent really seen since Jobs passed away. Based on info found in a leaked version of the the final build of i. OS, Apple is planning on refreshing its current models with the new i. How To Crack Iphone 4 Bluetooth File' title='How To Crack Iphone 4 Bluetooth File' />Phone 8 and 8 Plus, completely skipping the traditional s naming scheme that Apples past history would have suggested. These models will sport Apples new A1. Recently, a new staff member started at Lifehacker. She booted up her brandnew, companyissued MacBook Pro, and went to plug in her EarPods to listen to some tunes. Phone 6 and 7. But the i. Phone thats getting all the attention is the third, super premium model dubbed the i. Phone X. Rumored features on the 5. Phone X include a new portrait lighting photo mode, a bezel less OLED screen, facial recognition, upgraded dual rear cameras, and more. Home. Pod How deep is Siri tied in Apple already announced its foray into the world of digital assistant enhanced home speakers back at WWDC 2. Apples Home. Pod preview was on its audio quality. On Tuesday, we expect Apple to announce additional info on how tightly the Home. Pod will be integrated with Siri, and what it can and cant do before it hits stores later this December. Apple Watch Same basic design, but with one notable new feature. Apple keeps soldiering on with the Apple Watch, adding new features and functions to its wrist mounted i. Phone companion. While reports havent mentioned of a completely overhauled model, there have been pretty substantial claims saying Apple will introduce the Apple Watch Series 3 with new 4. G LTE connectivity. This would make the Watch much more useful when your phone isnt nearby, especially for people hoping to use the Apple Watch as a standalone fitness tracker. We expect the big news for Apple TV to come in the form of an updated model with support for 4. K video. This would be a welcome addition as the current Apple TV is limited to 1. Now that Apple reportedly has 1 billion earmarked towards the creation of original content, its even more important that Apple TV owners watch those new shows in ultra high def. OS 1. 1 Bringing augmented reality to the masses. After having been in beta for months, Apple will almost surely announce when the final version of i. OS 1. 1 will be officially available. OS 1. 1 includes a number of new features such as improved Live Photos, more room for storage thanks to better compression, a new version of i. Message, revamped notifications and more. But the most interesting thing about i. OS1. 1 could be its integration with ARKit, Apples new augmented reality platform. ARKit gives developers a powerful and easy way to build AR apps without all the stringent hardware requirements of Googles failed Tango platform. OS 1. 1 will also give i. Pad owners something to look forward to as it brings a number of welcome improvements including an expanded Dock, a new App Switcher and the Drag and Drop, which will finally let users copy and paste text, links and files between various apps. Apple Pencil support is also getting expanded thanks to new the Instant Markup and Instant Note features. Mac. OS High Sierra should be out soon. Apple is also giving its desktop OS a facelift with the cheekily named mac. OS High Sierra. Like i. OS 1. 1, High Sierra has been in beta since the spring, but were expecting Apple to announce an official release date for the new version of mac. OS on Tuesday as well. High Sierra wont include any huge upfront changes, but when its finally ready, youll be able to enjoy improved versions of Safari and Photos, along with a number of under the hood upgrades such as the new Apple File System APFS and support for Apples Metal 2 graphics API. Airpods Maybe a longshot, but a refresh would be nice. In 2. 01. 6, Apple released its first wireless earbuds, and even though I think they look a lot like Apple simply cut the wires off its standard Ear. Pods, over the past 1. Air. Pods have become some of the most popular wireless headphones around. While there havent been a ton of rumors discussing the Air. Pods, a patent granted to Apple mentions biometric sensors built into the buds. That could provide users with more accurate health and fitness tracking. This Is the i. Phone 8 You Should Buy. Its that time of year again, folks, but this time shits a little more complicated. Apple turned heads at the annual i. Phone lovefest by introducing not just one, not two, but three new i. Phonesone of which is a pricey monster weve addressed in another post. Drivers Dell Inspiron E1705 Laptop Price there. If youre thinking about placing an order for an i. Phone 8 on September 1. PT3am ET, however, weve got some tips. Should you get the beefy new i. Phone 8 Plus Should you spring for 2. GB of storage Should you finally switch to T Mobile and its litany of appealing offers You should do a lot of things in your life, including reading this blog post in full. It might just save you a few bucks. FOR MOST PEOPLEBuy the 2. GB space grey 4. 7 inch i. Phone 8 on Verizon. Why the little one Its the best size. Okay, for most people, its the best size. The i. Phone 8 Plus, like the i. Phone 7 Plus, will be fun for a select group of people who like holding pancakes in their hands and taking extra special photos with the dual camera system and paying a hundred bucks more for those privileges. But the 4. 7 inch screen on the i. Phone 8 is enough real estate for the average user. It fits better in your hand, your pocket, and your bag. Its a better deal. The camera proposition is an interesting one, however. When Apple introduced the i. Phone 7 Plus, the major difference between the big phones camera and the camera on the i. Phone 7 was the extra lens and the bokeh effect. This year, both cameras get bigger 1. Phone 8 Plus that you cant get on the i. Phone 8 is something called Portrait Lighting. This lets you adjust the lighting while the dual lens camera is in Portrait Mode. It looks cool, but its also a parlor trick that you can only use in specific circumstances. In conclusion, the i. Phone 8 camera is fantastic enough for most people. Why 2. 56. GB The question here is really, Why not 2. GB Apple doubled the maximum amount of storage for the new model, from 1. GB in the i. Phone 7 to 2. GB in the i. Phone 8. Dollar for dollar, storage has never been cheaper in an i. Phone, so you can rest easy knowing that. Meanwhile, the only other option for an i. Phone 8 is 6. 4GB. Thats a lot of storage, but the improved camera means youll be taking more photos and videos that take up more space. You might fill up your 6. GB and regret not getting more storage. You likely wont regret spending an extra hundred dollars for the 2. GB and never thinking about storage again. Why Verizon In years past, the choice of carrier has been an easy one. Verizon has always had the best, biggest, and most most dependable cellular network. Its LTE offerings have always been supreme. Customer service, less so. But in the past year or so, T Mobile has made impressive progress in challenging Verizons place at the top of the totem pole. The crowdsourced data from Open. Signal actually has T Mobile beating Verizon in many categories for the first time ever. But were talking about whats best for most people. According to the folks at Wirecutter and several other independent ranking services, Verizon is still the better choice for the majority of the country. The difference in performance is most impactful when looking at urban versus rural areas. While T Mobile continues to improve in cities, it still lags behind Verizon in the sticks. Obviously, you can see for yourself which carrier works best for you, but think about it this way if you buy the Verizon i. Phone GSM and CDMA, you can easily switch to T Mobile at a later date. If you buy the T Mobile i. Phone GSM only, you cant. Why black Better resale value, full stop. FOR THOSE WHO ARGUE WITH OUR SINGLE RECOMMENDATIONYou should wait for the i. Phone X. This one cuts deep. Who knows why Apple decided to release one new i. Phone in September and another in November, but it happened. Some super fans will undoubtedly buy an i. Phone 8, only to upgrade to an i. Phone X when it starts shipping on November 3. If you want to be that person, God bless you. If youre willing to wait, you might consider skipping the i. Phone 8 altogether and spending a cool grand on the i. Phone X. Aside from the hip factor of the anniversary phone, the i. Phone X offers the biggest screen of all the new i. Phones, new facial recognition features, and an even better camera. Its more expensive, and youll have to wait longer. However, if youre looking for the biggest upgrade from your current i. Phone, the i. Phone X is it. You should buy an i. Phone 8 Plus, if you love a big screen. Dont buy an i. Phone 8 Plus for the camera alone. The bokeh effect in Portrait Mode is cool and the new Portrait Lighting seems neat. You can do accomplish these results in free photo editing apps and desktop software, however. Heres an app for 1 that will simulate the bokeh effect. Here are a buttload of apps that let you tinker with lighting and colors. The new and improved i. Phone 8 camera will take great photos, and you can improve them for much less than the extra 1. Phone 8 Plus. You cant make the i. Phone 8 screen bigger once you buy it, however. So if youre going for the i. Phone 8 Plus, do it for the screennot the camera. You should buy Apple. Care. Are you clumsy Then spring for Apple. Care. For an i. Phone 8, it will cost you 1. That doubles your one year warranty for manufacturer defects and gets you lower prices on repairs. If you completely destroy your device, a replacement will cost an additional 1. If you crack the screen, that repair will cost just 3. So if youre one of those people who tends to walk around with a screen that looks like abstract art, pay for Apple. Care when you buy the phone. A third party screen replacement alone could cost the 1. Apples insurance program. You should use the Apple Upgrade Program. Do you need financing for your new i. Phone And do you also want Apple. Care If yes, the Apple Upgrade Program is a no brainer. For an i. Phone 8, it will cost you 3. APR. The program also covers the cost of activation on AT T, Verizon, or Sprint. And the Apple Upgrade Program lets you trade in your phone for the new model after a year. This is not a trick. The Apple Upgrade Program just splits up the cost of the phone over the course of two years and gives you that upgrade benefit. If you can pay cash, by all means burn that paper. But you might as well use the Apple Upgrade Program if you, well, if you want an upgrade in a year. You should switch to T Mobile. T Mobile is the carrier that could. Its the little guy thats been screaming and screaming for the public to pay attention to it for years, and now, against all odds, T Mobile is actually a pretty good alternative to Verizon or AT T. T Mobiles coverage has never been better, and its speeds have never been faster. As mentioned above, Open. Signal now recommends T Mobile over Verizon, the longtime favorite. Plus, if you sign up for T Mobile, youll get all those uncarrier benefits like unlimited data and free wi fi hotspots. If all that sounds awesome, go for T Mobile. Be aware, however, that T Mobile still suffers in rural areas and that many of those uncarrier benefits are things are things youd never use. Some of those benefits, like the new Netflix on Us perk, are also misleading. City dwellers and penny pinchers will probably love T Mobile, though. You might too. You should buy the 6. GB i. Phone 8. Are you a cloud fanatic, someone who uses apps like Dropbox or Google Photos to avoid storing data on your devicesThen the 6. GB i. Phone 8 might be enough for your. Heres a quick little test. Do you currently own a phone with 3. GB or less Do you have more than 1. GB of space remaining Do you always have more than 1. GB of free space on your phone If you answered yes to all of these questions, the 6. GB i. Phone is probably enough storage space for you. Save the hundred bucks and have fun trusting the cloud. You should buy the new gold gold i. Phone 8. Express yourself, my friend.
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