Event. Hubs fighting game news and guides. Posted by Justin Adaptive. Trigger Gordon. October 2. PDT. The Canada Cup tournament ended up being quite the spectacle. Street Fighter 5 was one of the games that played out its top 8 today. Participating players included FOXJustin Wong, COGo. CODogura, DNGItabashi Zangief, LiquidNuckle. Du, MouzProblem X, You. DealYukadon, 8. 01 Strider, and more. Many explosive moments occurred as a result. We have a batch of highlights that showcase these moments. If you missed out on the action or just want to see it happen all over again, then you can check them out here. Our first set of highlights focus on the fight between Problem X and Dogura. Problem X was of course using M. Bison while Dogura was relying on his Urien. Plenty of frame traps on the part of Problem X. Also he made effective usage of M. Bisons side switching abilities thanks to his V Trigger. Still, Dogura was able to succeed over him thanks to his impressive Aegis Reflector setups and armor from Uriens V Skill. Click images for animated versions. Continue reading. Posted by Nicholas Majin. Tenshinhan Taylor. October 2. 9, 2. 01. PDT. Update This story has been updated with final results. Canada Cup 2. 01. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This event is huge for a number of reasons its a Capcom Pro Tour Premier Event, in fact, the final one besides the remaining Regionals in Latin America and North America and a Battle for the Stones Event for Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite. Besides this, its also got huge prizes on the line for other games, so youll see some extremely high level battles in Tekken 7, Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Ultra Street Fighter 4, Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2, Blaz. Blue Central Fiction, Injustice 2, King of Fighters 1. Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. As always, there will also be the traditional Street Fighter 5 5v. Of course, an event cant be more than the players participating, which luckily makes Canada Cup 2. Street Fighter 5, and over 1. Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Smash Bros. Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite, Tekken 7 and the classic, but not forgotten, Ultra Street Fighter 4. Heres a sample of the players you can expect to see this weekend PGPunk, FOXJDCR, LiquidNuckle. Du, You. DealYukadon, AllianceArmada, CYGDaigo, FOXMew. King, GRPTFuudo, TSMLeffen, MouzProblem X, Gachikun, CODogura, FOXMKLeo, C9Ally, BX3Phenom, FOXJustin Wong, MSFLarry Lurr, FOXMomochi, CYGSnake Eyez, Lord. Knight, RBLuffy, DNGItabashi Zangief, Mago, PonosMoke, P1Duck, COGo. ALGn. 0ne, ScarzSako, KJH, EMGKirby. Kaze and many more. Streaming is being done at Capcom Fighters, Battle for the Stones, Canada Cup, Canada Cup 2, Canada Cup 3 and Canada Cup 4. Continue reading. Posted by Justin Adaptive. Trigger Gordon. October 2. PDT. The Battle for the Stones tournament that was taking place at Canada Cup has now come to an end. It was an extremely hype series of games. This event concluded with one of the players walking away with the Mind Stone for the big tournament that will come at the conclusion of this series. Its quite a powerful advantage as it allows the owner to pick the opponents team for them. Top 8 had players like HBClockw. EGNYChris. G, SPYFilipino Champ, FOXJustin Wong, RiseRichard Nguyen, and more. As a result, there some spectacular moments that occurred. We have a batch of highlights that showcase these very moments. First up, were going to jump ahead a little and take a look at a winners finals match and a grand finals match that pitted Richard Nguyen vs. Teemo both times. Teemo was playing fantastically despite how good his opponent was. He did something that was exceptionally rare in the Marvel vs. Capcom series he scored a perfect. Later on, they landed a double KO upon one another. Rather than awarding both players a point, neither player gained anything from this arduous match. Click images for animated versions. Continue reading. Posted by Justin Adaptive. Trigger Gordon. October 2. PDT. Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite has concluded at Canada Cup, and we just learned what the next Infinity Stone will do in Capcoms Battle of the Stones circuit. The Mind Stone will allow you to control your opponents mind by giving the holder the ability to choose their opponents team as well as the Infinity Stone they use in game. This is particularly powerful ability as it will force competitors to practice with fighters that they may otherwise be unfamiliar with. The best strategy here would be to pick characters that are considered to be low tier or just simply dont work well together. Its extremely unlikely that a player would choose a character like Dormammu or Dante for the opponent as they are considered to be quite strong and common. Being familiar with some of the low tiers for this tournament might actually come in handy here. Considering that Black Panther, Sigma, and Monster Hunter recently came out and are tournament legal, they are also good choices as players have no had too much time to explore them. You can view the announcement by clicking the image below Click images for animated versions. Click images for larger versions. Posted by John Velociraptor Guerrero. October 2. 9, 2. 01. PDT. Canada Cup is finishing up today, but before we get to the singles brackets, we have some of the top moments from the epic 5v. Players from all over the world are in attendance, and have broken off to represent their respective parts of the globe. Fifteen Japanese players split into three separate teams, and wound up filling out the entire top three of the team bracket. We do have a few clips from Team Europe and Team America in addition to the Japanese domination. Our first highlight features none other than CYGDaigo Umehara and his Guile as he takes on Douyu. TVXiao Hai and his Cammy. Trying to field Xiao Hais onslaught of Cammy offense, Daigo answers an EX dive kick with an incredible Critical Art to turn the tides and help take the round. Click images for animated versions. Continue reading. Posted by Justin Adaptive. Trigger Gordon. October 2. PDT. Arc. Sys is apparently conducting a survey for players that participated in their free play event. These questions are intended to help Arc. Sys improve Blaz. Blue Cross Tag Battle. The free play events that transpired were at New York Comic Con, RTX London, South East Asia Major 2. Arc Revolution Cup 2. It does look as though the team is looking for feedback from those who have at least played the demo once. There are a number of questions being asked here. A lot of them are focused on the intuitiveness of the games mechanics. Perhaps the most interesting of questions for fans are the ones at the very bottom of the survey. They are asking which characters would the players like to see be added to the game. One question asks about characters that should be added from their established franchises like Blaz. Blue, Persona 4 Arena, Under Night In Birth, and RWBY. The next question asks which characters would you like to see from other games. Check out the survey if you want to have your opinion heard. Internet Download Manager 6 17 Build 10147 there. Sent in by jme. Posted by John Velociraptor Guerrero. October 2. 9, 2. 01. PDT. French artist Yotatouch has a special flair for Street Fighter, and expresses it through multiple art mediums. When hes not drawing or rendering up beautiful fighting game characters, hes remixing themes from Street Fighter 5 on his You. Tube channel. Weve gone through some of Yotatouchs portfolio to make a gallery of Street Fighter characters, as well as 2. D sprite for Dragon Ball Fighter. Zs Android 2. 1, to share with you today. While weve nabbed mostly finished products, you can still see more by checking out the artists Twitter page to see a few step by step evolution processes for these. Weve also included his remixed themes for both SF5s Metro City Bay Area and Ring of Destiny stages, so be sure to check those out and let us know what you think.