Credit Cards have universal acceptability. For using a Credit Card, a customer has to pay a fixed sum as annual fees. However, financial. Institutions generally waive off the charges if the customer meet a certain criteria in terms of his. Credit Cards also come with a Balance Transfer option, allowing the customer to transfer its. Customers can settle the balance with Monthly EMIs. Credit Cards come with a 2. Customers can easily pay off their utility bills using Credit Cards. Q. What are the benefits of using a Credit Card A. Using a Credit Card comes with a lot of benefits. Ease in payments while shopping, dining, travelling and settling bills. Timely repayments on Credit Cards help in improving your Credit Score. Access to premium services offered by the financial institution which issued the card. Amazing discounts and cashbacks upon the purchases made using the card. Access to more funds in times of immediate need. Expenditure tracking and monitoring using the modules offered. Q. What is EMI How is it calculated A. An equated monthly instalment EMI is the amount of money that is paid back to the lender on a. It is essentially made up of two parts, the principal amount and the interest on the. The EMI is always paid up. Q. Why will my Credit Card application be rejectedA. If you have a bad Credit Score, have defaulted on repayments or dont meet the basic criteria, you are. If you do not meet the banks eligibility, you are likely to get rejected as well. Credit Card Eligibility Questions. Q. What is the eligibility criteria for Credit Cards A. Anyone whether self employed or salaried professionals with a regular source of income can. BangaloreBengaluru is the capital and largest city in the Indian state of Karnataka. With a population of over 15 million as of January 2016, Bengaluru is the. 1 I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. I loafe and invite my soul. IndiaLends offers different types of SBI Credit Card Online with amazing deals and rewards. Best Credit Card for shopping, travel, entertainment, etc. Credit Card. One must be 2. One must also have a good. Credit Card. If you are interested in checking your credit history and learning about your credit worthiness before applying for a Credit Card, click here. Q. What are the documents required for applying for a Credit Card A. Financial Institutions generally request for the following documents as identity and address proof. Credit which is not related to your Personal bank accounts. PAN Card. Passport. Driving LicenseVoter IDAadhar Card. Ration Card. Application Process and Fee Questions. Q. What are the other charges included in the Credit Cards processA. India. Lends does not charge its customers any fees for applying for Credit Cards on its platform. However, financial institutions can charge the following fees along with interest payments. Add on Card Fee The fee charged for applying for another card which shall have all the features of your primary Credit Card. Extended Credit Charges It is a fee charged by financial institutions for extending the customers credit limit. Cash Withdrawal Charges The charges paid by the customer to the financial institution for withdrawal of money. Q. What are the modes available for Credit Card bill payments A. Net Banking, NEFTRTGS Transfers, Debit Cards, Visa Money Transfer, Cash, Cheques, Demand Drafts are some of the ways of making Credit Card Bill Payments. Q. What factors should I consider while taking a Card A. You need to consider the following factors when you take a Credit Card. Purpose of the Credit Card Expense behaviour to select the best Reward Scheme Number of Credit Cards youre currently holding. Ideally, a customer should hold not more than 3 Credit Cards Any active loanheavy EMI payment Interest Rate on the card Customer Service. India. Lends Specific Questions. Q. Will I be charged by India. Lends for services offered A. No. The services offered by India. Lends are completely free of charge. Q. After I submit my application to India. Lends, what next A. Once you fill up our application form, your application will be matched with the best financial institution based on your credit profile, and will be securely sent to them. You will soon be contacted by the lender directly for disbursal. Q. How do I apply for a Credit Card with India. Lends Q. Can I deactivate my Credit Card A. Yes, Once you have decided to close your credit card, the first thing you need to do is to contact your card issuing bank and tell them regarding your card cancellation request. They will ask the reason behind your cancellation request to further guide you through the whole credit card cancellation procedure. According to the norms, you will have to send a written communication via email to your concerned bank so that they can verify and cross check the authenticity of the request. Do keep in mind, your cancellation request will only be accepted once your card holds no dues.