Please Ill love to know a little about yourself and if youhave garage or parking space cos i will have my own car coming over,please let me know the total amount for the first month rent andpayment will be done by US Cashiers Certified Check. Please illwant you to get back to me with the Pics and the following informationto facilitate the payment. Auto Post To Craigslist Software Download' title='Auto Post To Craigslist Software Download' />Full name to write on the check. Full Physical address to post the check. City, State and Zip Code. Cell number First Month Rent Deposit Your E mail Address. Waiting for your e mail with the information requested so thati can forward it to my Dad to issue out the check for the deposit andmonth rent with that you can hold on the place for me till i comesoonThanks. Thanks so much for the details provided, ill forward it to my. Dad right now to issue out payment to you today and get back to youwith the tracking number. I really appreciate that you are ready toaccept in, pls have little patience for the check to be delivered toyour address and also pls secure the room prior my arrival. Ille mail by giving you an update about the status in regards to thepayment and also provide the tracking number from the courier service,further more i need you to take the ad down CL, that will give me astrong prove that the room has been hold prior my arrival so thatother interested people will not make any inquiry. Regarding my Car. Im planning on having it delivered to youbefore my arrival so that you can come and pick me up at the airportand settle in comfortably, so i am making arrangement with the cardealer to deliver the car before my arrival. Once the rent andsecurity deposit has been received, Ill ask you for a favor here, cani rely on you to take delivery of the car for me when its delivered Ill like to know the convenient time for you to receive the car. Asyoull be handling the delivery of the car along with the rent anddeposit, the car money will be included on the check coming to you. Ill really appreciate if you can do this for me and promise tocompensate you adequately for your time and efforts on my arrival intoyour place. Please kindly Let me know if i can trust you to have the car. Dealers fund to the car dealership agent once you get the check, iwill be expecting your e mail as soon as you receive my e mail. Thanks so much for your understanding. My regards,AND WHAT ABOUT A CRISTIAN GIRLHi Good morning. I am seeking a room that has an attached bathroom and is furnished. I work and go to school. I may be in and out some evenings. I am a professional Female who does not smoke or drink and is seeking a like environment. I am a runner and mountain biker who is respectful and quiet and am seek the same. I am a Christian and my relationship with God is important to me so if thats an issue I would not be the tenant for you. I look forward to hearing from you at email protected.
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