Unlock iPhone 44s using a quick 5 minute process thats totally safe and reversible. Support latest iOS How to Jailbreak Unlock iOS 99. Phone 4s, 5, 5s, 5c, 6, 6, 6s, 6s SE are supported. Permanent Unlock with Official IMEI Method. New version of Popular tool to Jail. Break and Unlock i. Phone Released. I had written about i. Liberty an easy to use application to jailbreak, activate and unlock i. Phone. If life was not good enough in the i. Phone hacking world, Zibri has just released the latest version of Zi. Phone v. 3. 0, an extremely popular tool for automatically jailbreak and unlock the i. Phone which new enhancements. There is nothing better than being spoilt for choice. As I had mentioned earlier Zi. Phone has been extremely popular, however with the older version some i. Phone users had reported facing problems with You. Tube. Zibri has fixed the You. Tube issue along with some other issues in the latest version of Zi. Phone. The new version of Zi. Phone includes the following enhancements No more need of fix NVRAM. Solution for greyed Wi Fi. The You. Tube Fix is no longer required. Now the cool Installer app also gets installed on your i. Phonethought it was installed in the older version as well, anyhoo. Customized plugins. It is important to note here that before hacking your i. Phone it is a good idea to take a backup of your i. Phone in i. Tunes so that in the worst case situation if things goes horribly wrong you can always restore the i. Phone. Zi. Phone v. Phone firmware 1. Phone OOTB and is now available for both Mac and Windows users and you can download it from Zibris blog. Please do share your feedback on the latest version of the Zi. Phone for the benefit of fellow readers in the comments. If you are having problems using Zi. Phone, you might want to checkout i. Liberty Easy to use Application to Jail. Break, Activate and Unlock i. Phone. Top i. Phone Hacks Categories What next Like this post Share itDownload the new i. Phone 3. 1. 2 Firmware. Apple has released the new i. Phone OS Firmware 3. Install Mac Os 9 On Parallels Mac there. Phone Edge, i. Phone 3. G, i. Phone 3. GS and i. Pod touch via an i. Tunes update. This update includes the following fixes and enhancements Resolves sporadic issue that may cause i. Phone to not wake from sleep. Resolves intermittent issue that may interrupt cellular network services until restart. Fixes bug that could cause occasional crash during video streaming. Products compatible with this software update i. Phone i. Phone 3. G i. Phone 3. GS To update to i. Phone OS Firmware 3. Phone with your computer via usb and start i. Tunes. You should now see a message as shown below. Simply click on Download and Install button to get on to the new i. Phone OS 3. 1. 2 firmware. Also included is a new carrier update. IPCC file for AT T customers which brings the carrier version number to 5. Note Do not update your i. Phone to OS 3. 1. Wait for the new jailbreaking and unlocking tools before updating your device or you may loose the capability to jailbreak or unlock your device in the future. You have been warned UPDATE 1 Pwnage. Tool 3. 1. 4 has been released which can Jailbreak i. Phone on 3. 1. 2 while keeping its baseband intact to 0. Complete step by step jailbreaking guide for Mac OS X can be found here and for Windows here. Unlocking guide for i. Phone 3. G and 3. GS on 3. 1. 2 firmware can be found here. If you dont care about the unlock and just want to jailbreak your i. Phone on 3. 1. 2, then you can also alternatively follow the guide posted here to jailbreak your i. Phone with blackra. UPDATE 2 Follow the step by step guide posted here to Enable Tethering on i. Phone 3. 1. 2 Firmware. UPDATE 3 i. Phone 3. Phone 2. G and i. Pod touch 1. G2. Golder models can be jailbroken and unlockedi. Phone 2. G only on the latest i. Phone 3. 1. 3 firmware. Follow the step by step guide posted here or here to jailbreakunlock i. Phone 2. G, and here for i. Pod touch 1. G2. G on 3. UPDATE 4 Redsn. 0w 0. LIVE Download links and jailbreaking instructions can be found here. UPDATE 5 i. Phone 3. Pad has gone Gold Master More info along with download links can be found here. Pad Only ReleaseUPDATE 6 i. Phone OS 4 has been announced. Download i. Phone OS 4 Beta Developers Preview for i. Phone and i. Pod touch here. Jailbreak i. Phone OS 4 Analysis can be found here. You can follow me on twitter or join our facebook fanpage to keep yourself updated on all the latest i. Phone related releases. Download links for i. Phone OS Firmware 3. Download i. Phone OS 3. Phone 2. G Download i. Phone OS 3. 1. 2 for i. Phone 3. G Download i. Phone OS 3. 1. 2 for i. Phone 3. GSRelated Stories.
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