To run require libcurldev or libcurldevelon rpm linux based git clone httpsgithub. CoolerVoid0d1n need libcurl to run sudo aptget install libcurldev. This tutorial describes how to install and configure latest Oracle Java JDK on CentOS 7, 6. Although, the steps should work on other RPM based. Install Tomcat 7 on CentOS, RHEL, or Fedora. This post will cover installing and basic configuration of Tomcat 7 on CentOS 5. CentOS 6. x Tomcat 7 implements the. SQL, Postgre. SQL. In this tutorial, we will be installing Apache Cassandra on Cent. OS 7 server. Step 1 Install JAVABefore installing any package it is recommended that you update the packages and repository using the following command. Once your system is updated, we will install the latest version of Oracle Java into the server. Run the following command to download the RPM package. Cookie oraclelicenseaccept securebackup cookie http download. If you do not have wget installed, you can run the yum y install wget to install wget. Now install the downloaded RPM using the following command. You can now check the Java version using the following command. You will get the following output. JavaTM SE Runtime Environment build 1. Java Hot. SpotTM 6. Bit Server VM build 2. You will also need to check if JAVAHOME environment variable is set. Run the following command for same. JAVAHOMEIf you get a null or blank output, you will need to manually set the JAVAHOME variable. Edit the. bashprofile file using your favourite editor. In this tutorial, we will use nano editor. Run the following command to edit. Now add the following lines at the at the end of the file. JAVAHOMEusrjavajdk. JREHOMEusrjavajdk. Now source the file using the following command. Now you can run the echo JAVAHOME command again to check if the environment variable is set or not. JAVAHOME. Step 2 Installing Cassandra. Now add Apache Cassandra repository into your repository list by creating a new repository file. Now add the following content into the file. Apache Cassandra. KEYS. You can now install Apache Cassandra by running the following command. Reload your system daemons by running systemctl daemon reload. You can now start Cassandra by typing systemctl start cassandra. To enable Cassandra to automatically start at boot time, run systemctl enable cassandra. You can verify that Cassandra is running by typing the following command. You should see similar output if Cassandra is running. Datacenter datacenter. StateNormalLeavingJoiningMoving. Address Load Tokens Owns effective Host ID Rack. UN 1. 27. 0. 0. 1 1. Ki. B 2. 56 1. Instead of the output shown above, if you get something similar to the output below, then you will need to configure cassandra environment configuration file. Failed to connect to 1. Connect. Exception Connection refused Connection refused. Open the configuration file using following command. Now find the following line in configuration. JVMOPTSJVMOPTS Djava. Uncomment the line and change its value form lt publicname to the localhost IP address 1. The configuration should look like shown below. JVMOPTSJVMOPTS Djava. Save the file and exit from editor, restart Apache Cassandra by running the following command. You should have the desired output while running the nodetool command. Erick Morillo Live Your Life Radio Edit Download. Cassandra comes with a powerful command line shell cqlsh to run query on Cluster. Query is written in CQL or Cassandra Query language. To access CQL shell, run the following command. You will see following output. Connected to Test Cluster at 1. Cassandra 3. 1. 1. CQL spec 3. 4. 4 Native protocol v. Use HELP for help. Conclusion. Apache Cassandra is now installed on your server. You can learn more about Cassandra by going to Cassandra website.
Install Jdk On Centos Using Yum To Install© 2017