Port Forwarding on the ZTE Tele. H3. 69. AThe ZTE Tele. H3. 69. A router has a firewall. This firewall protects your home network by blocking incoming and outgoing connections that are not authorized. Some online games or programs require additional connections to be opened so they can run smoothly. The process of opening additional ports is called a port forward. In this guide I will walk you step by step through the port forwarding process on the ZTE Tele. H3. 69. A router. I will show you how to setup a static IP address on the device you plan on forwarding these ports to. ZTE Tele. 2 H3. 69. A router web interface. We think that forwarding a port should be easy. Thats why we created Network Utilities. Our software does everything that you need to forward a port. Get Started Now When you use Network Utilities you get your port forwarded right now Step 1. It is important to setup a static ip address in the device that you are forwarding a port to. This ensures that your ports will remain open even after your device reboots. See how well critics rated all PlayStation 2 video game releases at metacritic. Hack Web Based Flash Games. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 is a golfing simulation video game in the PGA Tour series developed by EA Tiburon and published by Electronic Arts. It was released in North. Ready yourself for takes the U. S. Tennis Association has granted Maria Sharapova a wild card into the U. S. Open main draw, meaning she will play her first Grand Slam. Tiger Woods Pga Tour 08 Ps2 Cheat CodesRecommended Our free program will setup a static IP address for you. Download Network Utilities today Or follow our Static IP Address guide to setup a static IP address. TIP I recommend writing down the static IP address you just created. You need this address in Step 4. Step 2. To login to the ZTE Tele. H3. 69. A router you need to use a web browser such as Chrome or Internet Explorer. Use this guide to get your ports forwarded on the ZTE Tele2 H369A router. It doesnt really matter which browser you use, simply pick the one you are most familiar with. Once you have opened the web browser, look for the address bar. This is normally at the top of the page like this 1. In the image above I have circled the address bar for you. All you need to do is replace what is currently in the address bar with the routers IP address. This is also called the computers default gateway. By default the ZTE Tele. H3. 69. A routers default IP address is 1. After you have finished entering the routers IP address, press the Enter key on your keyboard. This should take you to a login page like this If you dont see a page like this, you need to find out what the routers IP address was changed to. I recommend following the instructions on my How To Find Your Routers IP Address page. Enter the login username and password. The default ZTE Tele. H3. 69. A login username is user. The default ZTE Tele. H3. 69. A login password is user. Click the blue Login button when you are ready to login to the router interface. Having Trouble This is a pretty common place to get stuck. If you find yourself here, dont panic, there are a few things you can try First, check all the different ZTE default combinations. Here is our list of all known Default ZTE Router Passwords. Second, try and guess what the passwordusername was changed to. Use our Find Password App to make this step easier. Finally, if you still are stuck after trying both of the above options, it may be time to consider a factory reset. Learn more about this option on the How to Reset a Router page. Step 3. It is now time to find the port forwarding section of the router. To help you with this step, we begin on the Home page. On the Home page, click the option at the top labeled Internet. You should now see a page like the one above. Choose the option in the left sidebar labeled Security. Now select the tab at the top of the page labeled Port Forwarding. You now see a page similar to the one above. Click the option in the center section of the page labeled Create New Item. You are now on the correct page to make a port forward, congratulationsStep 4. Now we are ready to enter some data in your router. In order to show you exactly how to configure your router we need you to answer 2 questions Make sure the IP address box above contains the Static IP address you created in Step 1. Our router simulator shows you exactly what data to enter in your router based on your choices above. We are currently showing the ports for XBox Live. You should fill out the boxes in the router as you see them here. Dont forget to click the blue Apply button after each entry is complete. Test Your Ports. Are your the ports you just forwarded really open An easy way to find out is use our free Open Port Checker. It uses a local application to see if the ports are open or not. This guarantees our port checkers accuracy. More Info. Check out our other guides here. We have a growing list of free gaming, networking, and software guides here at portforward. Our other site setuprouter.
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